Seismic Monitoring Station NowTech NT RSS902 EEWS

The measuring tool

The measuring device
stand alone

Nowtech NT RSS902 EEWS monitoring station detects physical quantities by using the working basics of a reversible free swinging pendulum mass. On the whole, the detector system incorporated in the floating mass allows to obtain the following measurements: differential acceleration, angular displacement, high frequency peak acceleration. In according to its proprietary software, the instrument has the function of analysing the acquired data, then it correlates set limits, compares instantaneous averages, determines if there are growing intensity peaks or if the peaks overcome thresholds and it measures the persistence time of the measured event. Through operator devices, it is possible to issue the alert with acoustic and visual signals as well as to intervene in the associated security procedures.

The detectors, as well as functioning as stand alone, are also connected to the server-cloud through proprietary protocol with always active connection in order to transfer state, control and event data.

Where the seismic monitoring station NT RSS902 EEWS intervenes


An Early Warning System
seismic in companies
which allows you to limit:

  • Indirect damage caused by the earthquake

  • The risk of bursting

  • The timing of restarting production

  • Workers’ exposure to danger

  • Environmental impact

  • Employer responsibility

Gas & Oil Plants

Elevator systems


Production lines

Traffic light systems


It is a damage mitigation garrison that provides valuable seconds for securing property (through appropriately designed actuator devices also for automatic tripping on solenoid valves of facilities, for example) and allows people to reach a less dangerous location within the building.
It is possible to connect the device to the facilities or services, and the wiring can also be carried out by company contracted by the customer.
The instrument in the EEWS version is equipped with 3 outputs so that it can be connected to as many facilities. For additional utilities it will be necessary to be equipped with NT EQG DISPAT_4CH EEWS actuator devices supplied by us upon request.

Beginning of seismic monitoring

Sample monitoring stations

Alert activation

Pre-alert threshold activation

Stand-alone detected seismic events

False positives

Our monitoring stations

We boast of decades of experience, without any false positives

In more than 10 years of use, for more than 4.5 million hours of cumulative monitoring over the entire Italian territory, the instrument has never generated false alarms thanks to the special, patented construction system that allows the instrument to be unaffected by extreme anthropogenic or atmospheric elements; the NT RSS902 EEWS Detection Station, measures only ground accelerations and angle variations on the 3 Cartesian axes in the part of the structure where the instrument has been installed. With the installation of the instrument, the effects of an earthquake on the structure can also be verified and evaluated by providing information about the state of damage (monitoring of the structure’s response to seismic waves) to those responsible for safety. Thus, a time saving. The NT RSS902 EEWS Seismic/Structural Detector is connected to the proprietary Sentinel server for constant monitoring of its functionality and for user consultation of continuously recorded data.

The installation of NT RSS902 EEWS is particularly simple

The NT RSS902 EEWS detector, which is shown in the following figures resting on the red-colored bracket, is installed in the structural parts of the works by the use of threaded bars of 5mm thickness and varying lengths between 15 and 25cm; the length of the bars depends on the state of the structure and the cement composition.

The nuts and washers seen in the figure allow for easy calibration of the “levelling” of the bracket once the chemical anchor used has hardened.


Download the NT RSS902 EEWS datasheet

"For us, every second counts, especially if an earthquake is coming. Secure your company and those who work in it "

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